Fan Fiction Request Form

Send me your request for a Fan Fiction book. There will be no charge until we receive the Author’s approval and future contact will be Via E-mail. Check below for more information and example covers.

Book Prices

  • Paperback: $15-$25

  • 3,000-30,500 words= 6-72 pg

  • Hardcover: $40-$115

  • 34,000-95,000 words= 80-235 pg

  • Novel: $120-$195

  • 102,000-165,000 words= 240-395 pg

  • Epic: $200-$280

  • 170,000-238,000 words= 400-560 pg

Transactions for these books are handled Via Paypal or Venmo due to the additional permissions needed

More Information

  • Books take 2 days-3 weeks to ship out depending on size and author’s response time; some authors have taken 2 weeks just to get back to me. If you wish to speed up the process you can contact the author yourself first, and some prefer this, simply provide me with a link or screenshot (links are preferred) as proof of their approval.

    I also have a list of authors who have already approved me to print their work, found in the FAQ

  • After approval is gained I will request half the payment and start formatting the text to print. Formatting is necessary as Fan Fiction authors write for online reading, not print, and this can lead to formats that do not print properly; some coding can even make it impossible to copy sections and they must be re-typed.

    During the formatting and subsequent printing I will sketch a series of cover options based on your input and send them to you within the first week. We can discuss changes to these designs or completely different options until you are happy.

    Once the pages have been processed and the cover design finalized I will complete the book. I will then send you a preview of the cover with a request for the second half of the payment and your address, if needed. Once I have the payment and address I will ship the book and send you the information.

  • I use USPS unless specially requested.

    US shipping: $10

    International Shipping: $15

    Repeat customers: Free shipping

    US orders will arrive in a Flat rate bubble envelope or box with a lemon sticker on it. International orders will arrive in a lemon slice covered envelope or cardboard box with a lemon sticker.

    Each book will be wrapped in tissue paper for protection.

  • The word limit is to ensure the book will fit in my book press to be flattened, otherwise the book could end up with a slope that will make it difficult to place on a shelf.

    Should a single work exceed this limit we will discuss breaking it down into multiple volumes. Each additional volume will receive a $10 discount.

  • Completed story collections/series under my word limit can be condensed into a single book, otherwise they will be made, and charged, as separate books with a 10% off each additional book; meaning 1 book will be full price and the rest will get 10% off each.

    Diffrent cover styles can be requested should you intend to display the cover of one or more of the books and have the rest lined up with their spines out.